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Undergraduate Courses

Discover the undergraduate courses offered by IMEPAC:


Biomedicine is considered one of the professions of the century, as it is essential for the identification, control, and cure of diseases that affect humans. It is a field that is growing and expanding opportunities beyond clinical analysis and drug research.

The biomedical professional is crucial in advanced diagnostics, molecular research, and therapeutic innovations, shaping the future of medicine. The versatility of this profession allows you to be a specialist in multiple fronts, playing a key role in promoting the health and well-being of the population.

The Biomedicine course curriculum at IMEPAC is structured with theoretical and practical activities in state-of-the-art facilities, specialized laboratories, cutting-edge equipment, and, of course, IMEPAC’s Center for Realistic Simulation, the largest in Latin America, affiliated with the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) at Harvard University, enabling the development of skills and competencies that will be a distinguishing factor in the workforce.


Our Business Administration course aims to train professionals to act in strategic planning, people management, decision-making, and leadership in the organizational environment. The curriculum is organized in such a way as to provide students with the construction of an entrepreneurial, creative, problem-solving, autonomous profile and a broad view of the profession in a global context. The academic activities of the course allow a reflection on the world of work from a global and contemporary perspective, recognizing that technology directly and quickly impacts the profession, demanding professional adaptability, emotional intelligence, and certainty about the importance of continuing education. To achieve the course’s objectives, students can access different laboratories, such as the CREATIVE LAB and the Active Methodologies Rooms I and II.


Brazil stands out in agribusiness and is one of the world’s largest producers in the sector, with revenues that grow every year. The country also has large technology and research development companies in the area. The municipality of Araguari (Minas Gerais State), in turn, is a reference in the cultivation of irrigated coffee, passion fruit, and tomatoes and has also been standing out in the production of soy and corn. Considering this context, IMEPAC uses modern technological and structural resources to provide Agronomy students with the best practical experiences in the market, in addition to extension and research activities involving daily life at the Farm School and expanding horizons through extension courses. We have a team of highly trained teachers and an incredible structure, which will provide students with a theoretical and practical training focused on developing the skills necessary for safe and efficient performance in the world of work.


Lasting 2.5 years, the Technology in Systems Analysis and Development course focuses on developing skills to analyze, design, document, specify, test, implement, and maintain computational information systems, with a responsible view of technologies’ impact on society and the labor market. The theoretical-practical activities provide the student with a systemic, critical, strategic, and creative view of the needs of society and organizations to propose viable solutions in the analysis and development of computational systems. Given the societal changes, technology has grown exponentially and is now one of the most strategic areas in all organizations. Technology allows for expanding borders and different forms of connectivity and work, enabling professionals in this area to work in various parts of the world without leaving home. And it is with this contemporary and global view of the importance of technology for society that the activities of the Systems Analysis and Development course are planned and implemented.


The Accounting Sciences course accompanies the process of internationalization of Brazilian accounting, which has brought substantial changes in the process of evaluating assets and liabilities of public and private entities in recent years. Today’s world requires professional training considering local, regional, and global contexts, as everything is connected. The course’s uniqueness lies in the work methodology employed. Through integrative projects and teamwork, students are encouraged to solve real problems, promoting the articulation of theory with practice from the beginning of the course. This methodology prepares the professional with technical skills. It encourages the development of awareness about their social role and the importance of their profession for the efficiency of organizations and the economy. The course is organized innovatively, making it possible to build the skills required by the professional council and those standardized in the country, forming highly prepared and accredited professionals for the world of accounting.


Technological advances and newly organized social movements imposed profound changes in Law. They brought challenges that IMEPAC seeks to overcome with a curriculum that considers both the local and global contexts without losing the principles and social value of the profession. The Law course puts the student in practical situations that aim to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the fundamental rights of citizens and organizations, enabling the development of skills for responsible action, whether in the legal environment or companies, through a necessary compliance and governance policy in today’s world. The field of activity in Law is promising, as the security offered in the area is increasingly required to affirm internationally recognized values, particularly Human Rights and Sustainable Development.


Brazil is a reference in sports such as soccer, volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, athletics, etc. The physical activity industry moves the country’s economy, one of the largest in the Americas. To keep up with this yearly market growth, the Physical Education course at IMEPAC uses technology as the main ally of student learning. The curriculum is organized into theoretical-practical activities using specialized laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technological resources, such as the Exercise Physiology Laboratory, in which students have access to practical classes and a supervised internship with service to the local population. The connection with the labor market also happens with the offer of supervised activities in outpatient and hospital environments. Allied with this entire structure, a team of highly qualified professors is responsible for guiding students through innovative methodologies that enhance the whole teaching-learning process in the course.


Civil construction is one of the main thermometers of the Brazilian economy, as it is a sector with a great capacity for income distribution in the market and presents continuous growth in the country. Global trends point to the need for training based on sustainability and commitment to society. The IMEPAC Civil Engineering course has a curriculum that considers all these precepts, seeking to train technically competent and socially and environmentally responsible professionals to meet the local and global market demands. The course curriculum offers theoretical and practical activities that allow students to develop the necessary skills to act critically, entrepreneurially, autonomously, and creatively in identifying and solving problems, especially with technology. Active methodologies are encouraged in spaces such as Chemistry Laboratories, Physics and Resistance of Materials, Fluid Mechanics and Topography, Technical Drawing, Computer labs, and the Creative Lab. With a team of experienced professors and a structure with fully equipped laboratories, teaching is based on practice and preparing students to work with confidence and security.


Those who study Nursing know that the day-to-day of the profession goes far beyond technique. Here at IMEPAC, we seek excellence in training with a qualified faculty that motivates students to build their knowledge through teaching, research, and extension, integrating them from the beginning of the course in community service. For the development of the practical activities of the course, students have access to the Realistic Simulation Center of IMEPAC, the largest in Latin America, exclusively affiliated with the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), an American institution in Boston – MA, which has faculties from the prestigious Harvard Medical School, in which students have the opportunity to simulate low, medium and high complexity procedures, developing essential skills for the exercise of the profession with the necessary domain for patient safety. Another great differential is students’ performance in the Expresso Saúde Project, which has four fully adapted buses with itinerant offices to bring the population free and quality health services. The curriculum is organized in such a way as to provide the student with practical experiences in real scenarios within the care network that makes up the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, such as the Family Health Strategy, Emergency Care Units (Urgency and Emergency), Hospitals, among others, which makes the course a reference in the region in the preparation of professionals. For practical activities, the course also has the Sagrada Família University Hospital – HUSF, the largest and most technological in the region. In this way, we provide care, improve the quality of life of many people, and reinforce the importance of nurses in health care.


The pharmacist is a protagonist in health, biochemistry, cosmetology, and public health, among many others. The recent discoveries and approvals of vaccines and new drugs are important in strengthening the profession, requiring training that provides students with a systemic and globalized view of the areas of activity. The IMEPAC Pharmacy course curriculum is organized in such a way as to provide this flexibility and enable the approach to emerging content in the most diverse course activities, incorporating the new technologies and demands of the world of work. The course has several practical scenarios, such as pharmacy school, outpatient center, laboratories of professional practices, the Sagrada Família University Hospital – HUSF, among others, providing the student with contact with the reality of the profession from the beginning of the course, its insertion in the Single Health System (SUS) network and a multidisciplinary approach. The dynamics of the activities of the IMEPAC Pharmacy course make it a regional reference in preparing professionals with high employability in the world of work.


It is estimated that the job market for physiotherapists grew the most during the new coronavirus pandemic. During this period, the demand for physiotherapists for hospital and respiratory treatment grew exponentially, making this profession one of the most sought-after. This job has received greater attention and recognition due to population aging and sports performance. The IMEPAC Physiotherapy course is organized with a view to the generalist professional, prepared to work in the various areas of physiotherapy and able to construct a diagnosis, prescribe conducts, and monitor the evolution and discharge of patients in all stages of life. The curriculum is structured with theoretical-practical activities in spaces with state-of-the-art infrastructure, specialized laboratories, and state-of-the-art equipment, such as the IMEPAC Realistic Simulation Center, the largest in Latin America, exclusively affiliated with the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), American institution in Boston – MA, which has faculties from the prestigious Harvard Medical School and the Sagrada Família University Hospital – HUSF, which enable the development of the necessary skills for the best performance of the physiotherapist.


The curriculum of the IMEPAC Medicine course is based on competencies, with several active teaching-learning methodologies in its curricular structure, such as Team-Based Learning and Flipped Classrooms. Activities such as workshops, use of the constructivist spiral, educational trips, and realistic simulation are carried out for small groups. Simulation is one of the pillars of our course and is based on the experiential learning experienced by students and training in technical and soft skills. The activities are carried out at the Realistic Simulation Center of IMEPAC, the largest in Latin America, exclusively affiliated with the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), an American institution in Boston – MA, which has faculties from the prestigious Harvard Medical School. The curriculum is organized in such a way as to provide the student with practical experiences in real scenarios within the care network that makes up the Single Health System (SUS) in Brazil, such as the Family Health Strategy, Emergency Care Units (Urgency and Emergency), Sagrada Família University Hospital – HUSF, among others, which makes the course a reference in the training of physicians.


In addition to the great biodiversity of fauna and flora, Brazil is a reference in agriculture and agribusiness, which has been emerging with the proper use of technology. As a result, the IMEPAC veterinary course has a complete and innovative physical structure and a qualified faculty, with a model veterinary clinic and the Farm School, where students can practice all their love for animals, turning that love into scientific knowledge. At the clinic, students develop clinical and surgery activities for small animals, and at the Farm School, they have experience raising cattle, horses, and pigs. The IMEPAC veterinary course provides a great exchange of experience and quality teaching with innovative technologies to train professionals able to work globally in all aspects of the veterinary field.


There is consensus on the importance of education for improving people’s lives. In this sense, the IMEPAC pedagogy course provides students with a reflection on the role of educators as agents of transformation so that they can act in line with global trends and simultaneously recognize and value the local and regional context of the insertion of students. The curriculum is organized into training units that enable students to develop skills to work in early childhood education, in the early years of elementary school, in the management of educational processes, in addition to youth and adult education, inclusive education, and emerging areas, such as hospital pedagogy and business pedagogy. The course has a qualified faculty, activities with active methodologies, and practical scenarios such as basic education schools, in which intervention projects are carried out throughout the course and in supervised internships. The course also offers practical activities in extension programs and projects that enable articulating theoretical knowledge with practice in real scenarios from the beginning of training.


The importance of mental health has been increasingly valued and highlighted. Being emotionally well and staying that way is essential for life, work, studies, and relationships at home or with friends. These aspects, accelerated by the increasingly intense routine and multiplied in the COVID-19 pandemic, drive the growth and appreciation of psychology. The curriculum is organized into activities considering the global context of mental health, with a differentiated structure and a highly qualified faculty, allowing students to build a systemic view of psychological processes. The Psychological Assessment Laboratory is part of the Realistic Simulation Center, considered the largest in Latin America, and affiliated, with exclusivity in Brazil, to the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), an American institution located in Boston – MA, which has several faculties of the prestigious Harvard Medical School, providing practices and simulations of administering psychological tests. Students also experience the practice of clinical psychology and multidisciplinary interventions with the community at the Dr. Romes Nader Outpatient Center, always under the guidance of professionals who are references in their areas.